4 Tips For Making Successful Home Insurance Claims

As a homeowner, having home insurance is a must for financial protection. In fact, having a home insurance policy is probably required of you by your lender if you have a mortgage. This is why it's important that you know how your policy works when it matters, which is after your home has suffered from damages and you need to make a claim for coverage. Here are four tips for making this process successful: Read More 

Got Your Home and Auto Insurance on Autopilot? Easy Ways to Save Money and Improve Coverage!

Like the mortgage and utility bills, insurance premiums on homes and cars are often considered to be fixed expenses in the family budget. In fact, many people just automatically make the premium payments each month without even stopping to wonder if their coverage is correct or whether they are missing any opportunities to reduce the overall cost. If you are guilty of putting your insurance premiums on autopilot, now is a great time to learn some important points about home and auto insurance that can help you improve your coverage and help to lower your overall cost. Read More 

Help! Will Insurance Cover The Accident If You Caused It?

You've caused an accident and now you're worried about the cost of repairs and injuries. Will your auto insurance policy pay out in the event of an accident that was your fault? Unfortunately, this isn't a question with a yes or no answer as it varies depending on what type of insurance you have. Liability Cover for the Third Party You must have insurance to cover third parties at the bare minimum. Read More 

Have A Teenage Driver? 4 Tips To Help Lower Their Insurance Rate

One of the biggest concerns when you have a teenager that is just learning how to drive is paying their insurance premiums. It is no secret that insurance rates are high for teenage drivers, so you are likely looking for ways to lower those rates as much as possible. Consider these tips that can help you do it. Show Their Good Grades Does your child get good grades in school? If so, you'll want to ask your insurance agent if they offer a reduced rate for a teenager that is getting good grades. Read More 

Two Unusual Types Of Homeowner’s Insurance Issues And Your Coverage Options

As a homeowner, recognizing the importance of homeowner's insurance is easy. What isn't always as easy is understanding what is and isn't covered under the policy. With the nuances of the risks that homeowners face, it's nearly impossible to address every possible risk factor when discussing your coverage. To help you gain a better understanding of your coverage, here are a few situations you may encounter and what options you might have. Read More